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Grounded, no frills and loving AF mentorship and guidance for those daring to be more self-loving, more real and more skillful in Life

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the truth is, you are a loveable, capable & powerful human being, and it is possible to develop a solid foundation in yourself THAT underpins exactly thAT

How? You start by building a solid foundation in self-awareness, honesty and self-responsibility; learning to unlearn the thoughts and behaviours that do not serve us and building skills that underpin a real, heartfelt and empowered foundation in ourselves, and in turn, with others and Life. You can build, and be supported, in my one-to-one sessions and mentorships

Hi, I’m kelly

Somatic Practitioner & Mentor

I believe that to live an honest and full life we need to learn the skills to navigate complexity and challenge with love, maturity and grace. Our education system is not one that supports this, therefore alternative education pathways are needed so that those who are ready and desire it, have access to learn what is needed in order to build a solid foundation that underpins freedom, integrity and humility - all vital qualities that are needed in the world.

I believe the more of us that pioneer life without masks, expectations or pressure to be something that pulls us away from our true selves, the more we become receptive and actively engaged in life; believing in possibilities, in our capacity to change and taking risks to lovingly reconnect with our natural, healthy expression.

In a world that is predominantly wired to extract from us, guiding people to home to their embodied truth, power and vitality is my deepest service.


  • MIND

    Working gently with your thoughts, values & beliefs to create new blueprints to live and relate by. Kalia uses Psychosexual Somatics® Therapy techniques, Inner-Parts work and Shadow Work principles to guide you to compassionately release any unhelpful conditioning, blocks and/or pain, to bring home lost or afraid parts of you so you can develop healthy foundations in the way you think and feel

  • BODY

    Working lovingly and intuitively to increase your somatic awareness, supporting your embodiment journey & of course taking care of your nervous system. Kalia uses Psychosexual Somatics® Therapy somatic practices, her knowlegde and experience with trauma and skills in somatic guidance to support your journey with releasing the old, rooting into your body and reconnecting with your inner-wisdom and life-force


    Supporting you to remember your true nature and divine essence. Guiding you to come into more integrity, more love and to remember the sacredness that you are; embodying grace, humility and fierce compassion. Kalia brings the essence of faith and universal love to support you to feel held, guided and trusting in life as your journey unfolds





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