Guts, Gusto and Grace

Embracing more subtlety and nuance on the internet.

Mighty talks dedicated to our Freedom: Full-Expression, Eros, Integrity and Love.

Formerly known as The Disgusting Bitch Podcast….

What I'm leaving in 2023 - A True Story

Anything, including language, that might suggest that I am anything other than wonderful.

This includes the Podcast folks… well the name anyway.

I have learned, through the beautiful and integral guidance from my Mentor, that I have a tendency to identify with the 'shadow' or cruel things people say about me in order to make a point.

And I remembered… I don’t need to prove anything to the haters (or anyone).

I can shine my honest and sensitive light, and dissolve the shadows more powerfully by embracing who I truly am.

Whilst I am immensely grateful for the Disgusting B*tch and the part she played in supporting my expression, she can never fully capture the essence of all of me.

And what is so deeply true and consistent for me is my mutability. I used to be confused and knocked by changing and moving on to the next thing so quickly... These days I'm learning to follow the lead and to trust the resonance of my fast-paced evolving expression... This is a new level of mastery I'm entering into

The Disgusting Bitch was a fun and a challenging season to experiment with, but it is too small. I need a bigger arena to play in!

So, in true Kalia fashion, the podcast is mutating…. Into something that feels neutral and honest.

Introducing the Guts, Gusto and Grace Podcast with Kalia

Thank you to all of the DB guests that came on the first season of the Podcast! And for those who are on the waitlist for DB - I know whatever topic you were planning to bring will fit right in here too (I'll be in touch soon).

A huge thank you to Antesa.