You have what it takes to build solid


Build a real, deep and honest relationship with yourself, for yourself

FOUNDATIONS is my 4 month Core Mentorship Program

A grounded and loving 1:1 container for you to build meaningful and sustainable change for yourself. To build a solid foundation in unshakable self-trust, unwavering self-kindness and the skills to navigate complexity and challenge with love, maturity and grace. To build your capacity to be actively engaged in your life by reconnecting with the real you; the loveable, good enough and capable person you truly are!

Dear brave and courageous soul

How would it feel to…

BE connected with yourself in a way that feels kind, healthy and empowered?

To feel confident and committed to being your real self in all areas of your life by dropping the masks, speaking your truth and focusing on you for a change rather than pleasing everyone else? 

BE unconditionally loving to yourself, no matter what? 

To build self-compassion through self-awareness; why you feel the way you feel, why you react the way you react, to know what you need and how to give it to yourself and to re-write the default of self-sabotage, self-criticism and punishment into more self-kindness, responsibility and care?

BE empowered in ALL aspects of your life? 

To feel good about who you are, to nurture the body you’re in, to develop healthy boundaries and communicate clearly with others, to connect with your passion wholeheartedly and to have the confidence to date and have healthy relationships?

Well, in my extensive experience, we start by building a solid foundation in self-awareness, honesty and self-responsibility; learning to unlearn the thoughts and behaviours that do not serve us and building skills that underpin a real, heartfelt and empowered foundation in ourselves, and in turn, with others.

Hear what Lea has to say about FOUNDATIONS (previously named UNFURL - 6 Month Program)

discover if we are a good fit for journeying together

we tend to these foundational basics:

  • The Skills of Inner-Listening and Somatic Awareness - Body awareness is an integral part of self-awareness. Being present with the body, and learning how to listen to your inner-dialogue and wisdom gifts you insights and new possibilities to explore

  • The Skill of Resourcing your Nervous System - Get to know where you're at with your nervous system and what helps you when you are feeling wobbly, learn about your nervous system regulation and how full your metaphorical cup is, for example are you empty and exhausted? What makes you feel good? You are supported to develop the things that fill up your cup (resources) and move away from what doesn’t. This is a power move to build into your everyday life

  • The Skill of Self-Parenting & Self-Holding - Learn how to relate to yourself better and treat yourself well, including your triggers, patterns and developing the language for when you are stressed or upset so you can navigate highly emotional periods in your life with more ease and empowerment

  • The Skill of Feeling - Learning how to feel is an art that requires trust and care. Feeling is an important aspect of life that many struggle with therefore we bring attention to this aspect to see where you may need support in developing practices to emotionally release and express yourself in ways that feel doable and healthy for you

  • The Skill of Boundaries - What is your relationship like to your boundaries? Where might you overextend, self-abandon or not advocate for yourself honestly, leading to dissatisfaction and tiredness? Learning and exercising boundaries, even when it is uncomfortable, will support you to build better self-trust and healthier relationships

  • The Skill of Needs - Do you know what your needs are? Do you know how to ask for them to be met by another? Discover what you need, how to meet your needs effectively and how to ask for what you need in relationships so you build a solid sense of you, with confidence and a solid ability to take care of yourself

  • The Skill of Self-Care - Deepen your relationship to rest, care and to make choices in your day-to-day that support your energy and wellbeing

  • Tools for Sustained Change - Learn and integrate tools and practices that underpin your foundations in your daily life

  • Practice and Support - There is a lot of access to me via fortnightly sessions, voice-notes and messages. The pace of RE:CONNECT gives you time to breathe, digest and practice, knowing that you are held, supported and accountable in the process

All paths of transformation are different and transformation is not a linear process. Therefore the emphasis is on guiding you to tap into your own inner wisdom and knowing, so you can unlock your innate power to change. This is a powerful collaboration; I guide and offer the mirror for you to see what parts of you need your love and attention, and offer tools and resources to support you on your way. I am an intuitive guide ready to meet you exactly where you are at, which means that the journey you have is unique to you and your particular needs and experience.


  • MIND

    Working gently with your thoughts, values & beliefs to create new blueprints to live and relate by. Kalia uses Psychosexual Somatics® Therapy techniques, Inner-Parts work and Shadow Work principles to guide you to compassionately release any unhelpful conditioning, blocks and/or pain, to bring home lost or afraid parts of you so you can develop healthy foundations in the way you think and feel

  • BODY

    Working lovingly and intuitively to increase your somatic awareness, supporting your embodiment journey & of course taking care of your nervous system. Kalia uses Psychosexual Somatics® Therapy somatic practices, her knowlegde and experience with trauma and skills in somatic guidance to support your journey with releasing the old, rooting into your body and reconnecting with your inner-wisdom and life-force


    Supporting you to remember your true nature and divine essence. Guiding you to come into more integrity, more love and to remember the sacredness that you are; embodying grace, humility and fierce compassion. Kalia brings the essence of faith and universal love to support you to feel held, guided and trusting in life as your journey unfolds

The Approach:

Cognitive Understanding: Involves talking through certain topics or experiences to reach clarity and understanding. I may ask questions, invite you to go deeper or offer reflections that may be useful for you.

Inner-Parts Work: Held and guided conversations or exercises with inner-parts of you, which often hold the key to deeper understanding and resolution. This also supports any re-parenting or inner-child work that supports re:connection and restoration.

Body dialogue and Somatic Awareness: Guiding you through noticing sensations in the body, and giving time and space to feel what arises.

Embodiment Exercises and Somatic Guidance: Using posture, movement and sound to allow expressions that may be habitually suppressed. Guided inner-journeys of self-discovery and expression.

Movement Exercises: Using gentle movement as an effective way to support your nervous system..

Guided Meditations: Slowing everything down, cultivating presence to invite in space for deeper connection to self and whatever may wish to emerge.

Are you ready to Build a real, deep and honest relationship with yourself, for yourself?

Deepening in connection with ourselves requires courage. Often, past experiences that were painful or hurtful led to us closing our hearts. We may numb out and disconnect from certain aspects of life, not even trying because we want to avoid more pain. It makes sense on a logical level because it is a form of protection, AND on a somatic and heart level we are closed to the more nourishing aspects of life such as receiving love, knowing ourselves deeply and connecting with our truth, our aliveness and our power

Moving through any blocks to loving yourself deeper is a sure fire way of building self-trust and ultimately improving your life. This is no 'love and light' path, though. This work means getting uncomfortable and bringing home the parts of ourselves that prefer the old patterns of self-abuse, sabotage or avoidance. I know, I’ve been there many times. And I know it is entirely possible to integrate those parts for more love and a greater quality of life

It is when we choose a journey of re-connection that we find the freedom to be our full selves

Here we remember who we truly are

It is possible to be fully-expressed and free in love, sex and life when we develop the skills to integrate the mind-body-heart connection, build our nervous system capacity and develop self-mastery with our thoughts, energy, emotions and relational blueprints.

You get to enjoy a healthier, securer and deeper relationship with yourself, which in time reflects on the relationships to your family, others and Life itself


“Before I started UNFURL (now FOUNDATIONS), I was in a desperate place of people pleasing, running off guilt, non existent boundaries and making myself ill in the process by living in constant burnout. I was struggling everyday and thought “enough is enough!”

After speaking to Kalia, I felt a trust in her abilities through her wisdom and how she carries herself authentically that gave me hope that maybe one day I will be able to be more confident to take some of my power back that I so freely give away.

The growth I embodied was beyond what I could have ever dreamed of! The crippling guilt fell away, I can confidently put boundaries in place AND maintain them. I understand myself in deeper places that I didn’t know was there. The container helped me tap into MY authentic self and I am able to celebrate myself for that!

The container has given me confidence I always wished I had and has elevated my life in ways that surprised me in the best way possible. I’m no longer a prolific people pleaser. I’m in my power, I’m pushing through my own limitations with confidence and I get compliments all the time about how much I am glowing!

Kalia is incredible at holding space for the truth to come out with love, respect and honesty. Her knowledge of resources is intuitively spot on and her energy made it easy for me to explore and grow without judgement. She’s the best cheerleader a person could ask for!

I can’t show enough gratitude to Kalia and the UNFURL (now FOUNDATIONS) container, it’s literally life changing!”

STEPH - Women’s Circle Facilitator

"I approached Kalia because I could no longer tolerate the overwhelm of the day to day. Pain, anxiety, poor trust and self worth, apeasing and procrastination were all too familiar. I expressed a feeling of limitation and a need for freedom in my life. My nervous system needed attention and was ready for a new perspective.

Kalia supported me through deep but gentle somatic release and integration. 

The visualisation and embodiment of parts work was profound and otherworldly. This work was the missing piece and it has provided me with my own effective practice giving me autonomy and empowerment in my everyday. 

I have learnt so much about myself and the potential that is there within me and others. I have learnt a whole new language and for that I am grateful. I can communicate honestly with myself and beyond and know this is real truth.

Kalia has a unique practice of seeing people's potential and easing it out through nuanced work. I do believe that I made huge progress because of Kalia's talent to see the subtle, combined with her nurturing and impartial nature. 



“I came to Kalia to work on my blindspots and soothe my overactive nervous system. Working with Kalia helped me gain clarity around my issues and gave me tools and ways of working with them. Her somatic guidance enabled me to reach deep insights and to connect with the physical reality of mental emotional imbalances, which brings them into clear sight allowing me to heal them. It has fostered a better relationship with myself as I’m more able to listen to and act on the messages my body is sending me. I have developed more of a caretaking role towards myself”


“What Kalia offers in the UNFURL (Now FOUNDATIONS) container has been a huge calming factor for my nervous system. I felt very held, seen and also celebrated.

Kalia holds space so beautifully, sharing resources and sending this warm, calm, caring energy.

I learned to hold myself, or as Kalia would say, parent myself. Since the container closed, I feel a big shift in my system. I feel it in every cell that our journey together fulfilled my desire to be more resourced and resilient”

LEA - Play Pioneer & Coach

“I’ve been working with Kalia for several months now. Our focus is my fears about women and becoming close - and my self-sabotaging pattern of attacking and being intrusive whenever I begin to find the intimacy I seek. Kalia has created a remarkable container and process where we meet and share deeply and authentically in real time. She brings herself fully and reflects back honestly but gently her experience of how I behave. This can be painful to see, but I can tell it is freeing me to be different in future relationships. 

Kalia has such immense wisdom and clarity won through her extended work on herself that I trust her completely. This is not coaching with some detached expert. It is a living encounter with an unusually gifted and devoted woman. I am so grateful to be doing this - and also proud that my inner knowing led me to Kalia”


If you want to get the best results from FOUNDATIONS, come with curiosity and an openness to learning and growing through compassionate self-inquiry and sometimes discomfort or challenge

This container needs your courage, your full commitment and your willingness to look at any narratives or patterns you are running that tell you that you are not loveable, worthy or good enough. Your task is to get to the root cause of this, with my guidance, and to reclaim your power by taking responsibility for where you took these lies on and rebuilding trust in yourself and your nervous system. With this approach you will get a lot from the container. It has the potential to be life-changing.

You do not need to be experienced working with a coach or guide, you do not need to have it all figured out, you do not need to be composed and well dressed for sessions. All of you is welcome, as much as you feel ready to share. And because of my background in social work, there is nothing you can share with me that shakes me. I am a solid, loving force to reflect back the places in you that need your attention and love

Permission to be fully you!

This 4 Months Mentorship includes:

X8 75 minute sessions

X2 sessions per month - Sessions are fortnightly for integration and to give you more space and a slower pace

x1 60 minute integration call one month after you complete this container

The first session is an intake session - Details of which are included in the FAQs below.

In-between session support / accountability / coaching via text/voice-notes - Specifics around boundaries/agreements are in the FAQs below.

Financial exchange: £1,500

(or £375 per month for 4 months)

If this is not accessible, then I offer individual sessions packages here


  • Full Payment or your first month’s payment is required to confirm this 4 month program.

    Every session is on zoom and can include a recording of the session if this would serve you, including any resources that are relevant to what came up in your session to support your integration.

    Sessions are every two weeks and are usually booked at the end of the last session to support your availability. Having a regular slot is also welcome.

    It is possible to reschedule with 48 hours notice. If you do not turn up to the call, Kalia will wait 10 minutes before closing the zoom container and it is at her discretion whether a reschedule will be offered for the remaining 50 minutes.

    In-between session support includes x1 text / check-in per day (Monday to Friday) – If you prefer voicenotes then it is up to 3 minutes per day. I will respond within 48 hours unless it is late on Friday in which case the response will be Monday. Please take advantage of the support that is offered in-between sessions. Kalia will read / listen and respond with acknowledgement and may offer reflections or guidance to support your development in the program, including cheerleading you on when necessary! Kalia is not available at weekends unless prior agreement and Kalia is not available for spontaneous calls.

    Please note, FOUNDATIONS requires your financial commitment as well as your energetic and emotional commitment. If you have any uncertainties about your readiness for this program then feel welcome to express your interest on the form and we can get a free 30 minute alignment session booked in.

  • The intake session is where we begin. It is the first session and is there for information to be shared and gathering that supports the direction and holding of the mentorship.

    We explore your desired outcome for the work we do together.

    We explore the present: Relationships, including how intimacy is, sexuality, family, work/training

    And then we focus on the past in order to guide the future.

    Previous life: Relationships, previous sexual experiences/learnings, family upbringing/childhood, challenges or significant events

    General Information: Previous therapy or coaching/self-development, medical history, mental health status, sleep, body, health, stress, support/networks

    Anything else you think I need to know

    (Share as much or as little as you please, this is at your own pace)

  • Each session is unique and powerful because it is tailored to your specific needs. I bring an integrated mind-body-heart approach to any session, meaning that the sessions can involve working with your mind (talking, inner-parts work), working with your body (somatic awareness, body dialogue and somatic guidance practices) and supporting your heart and nervous system to be regulated for deeper transformation

    I offer education around relationship dynamics, nervous system awareness, how trauma/conditioning may be impacting you (whatever is relevant and true for your journey, meaning whatever comes up to share that is resonant and in service to you and your positive outcome).

    I offer reflections on your experience that support you to reach clarity and deeper self-knowing. I offer alternatives and new possibilities you may not have considered. This is particular helpful as I am skilled at being neutral and unbiased which often our friends are not able to provide.

    Sessions may include guided experiences to go ‘within’ - such as guided inner-parts practices that support you to access your unconscious self. This is often where insights, clarity and awareness is born. Sessions may also include guided somatic practices to explore blocks, to gather insight and information and to express feelings if you need to.

  • Psycosexual Somatics® Therapy is an evolutionary, body-oriented therapeutic modality supporting people with relationship and intimacy issues, developed by Mike Lousada.

    It is a unique combination between psychotherapy, coaching and somatic disciplines. It is based on the understanding that relational issues are caused by dysregulation of the nervous system which have an underlying emotional root. Issues will present as a combination of cognitive (mind/emotions) and somatic (body) symptoms, and the most effective way to resolve these problems is to address the mind, the emotions and the body, and by re-regulating the nervous system. This creates lasting behavioural change.

    Through a combination of talk work and somatic guidance, challenges can be resolved.

    For more information, go here

  • Kalia is trained to hold and guide the activation we meet when exploring sensitive topics or edges in our growth and development. Kalia has training in trauma-awareness and is a nervous system aware practitioner and is able to guide people with activation or discomfort in sessions, however, for transformation to occur, you need to have a level of emotional stability. RE:CONNECT is not suitable to support those with active trauma or requiring trauma resolution. Please consult a trauma resolution therapists if this is what you are seeking. If you need support with signposting, please let Kalia know and she can offer some options for you to consider.

  • Kalia is a trauma-aware certified Psychosexual Somatics® Therapy Coach. She has completed the Heal Thyself program with Brig Feltus - which is a Diversity Intensive for Coaches racialised as white. Kalia completed Trauma Awareness Training for Practitioners with Catherine Hale and also completed Group Facilitation Training with Embodied Relational Therapy. Kalia recently completed an MSc in Psychology, and has a BA (Hons) in Social Work. Kalia is also a qualified University Lecturer (PGCE, Fellow of the Higher Education Academy). Kalia has 14 years of experience working with complex family systems and trauma, as well as 19 years of personal and spiritual development, including long-term Psychotherapy, Coaching, Shadow Work, Conscious Sexuality and Meditation.



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